Maintain Healthy Relaxed Hair
Maintaining a health head of hair while relaxed is very obtainable. By just following these few hair care regiments and adding, them to your regular hair care routines. You will have a healthy head of hair in no time.
Frequency of Relaxers
You first want to start by stretch out with the length of time between your relaxer to about 10 to 12 weeks. You should until you have at least two inches of new growth is a good rule of thumb. It is highly recommended that you have a stylist perform this service for you. Seeing that over processing with the relaxer application can damage the hair, and cause severe breakage.
Pre-Shampoo Treatment
Mixing a small amount of coconut oil with your conditioner and apply it before you shampoo can benefit your hair in these 3 ways:
Help preserve the protein and moisture in the hair that shampoos tend to strip from the hair
Assist with detangling before shampooing
Can soften and loosen the residue and dirt on the hair making it easier to wash away easier during the cleansing process
Maintaining Trimmed Ends
It is highly recommended that every 6 to 8 weeks to maintain healthy hair. Damage ends are normally cause by the heat and the lack of moisture in the hair. Heated tools normally speed up this process, that’s why it is always recommended to use a heat protect-ant when using any heated tools. Chemicals are also the culprit for split ends when not properly applied and maintained. The last thing that causes split ends is over shampooing your hair. Never shampoo your hair every day.
Sealant VS Moisturizer
Never use petrolatum and mineral oil on relaxed hair as a moisturizer these ingredients do NOT moisturize your hair there function are as a sealant that hold the moisture n the hair but does not penetrate the follicle. There are lightweight oil that will penetrate the hair and moisturize (such as jojoba, coconut, olive and almond oil) for the best results. Only 1-2 drops rubbed together in your hand and applied to the scalp and hair will do the trick.
Seeing that relaxed hair is already in a traumatized state it is wise to treat your hair with a protein treatment before going in for your relaxer and having your stylist perform a protein treatment after. This will leave your hair in healthy state after your chemical service.